Swantide Release Notes: June 7, 2023

Zoe Hartsfield
Swantide Release Notes: June 7, 2023
We have been continuously releasing new product functionality to help RevOps professionals drive value and get more out of Salesforce! In this blog we highlight a few new and powerful Workflow Templates in the Swantide app.
Create a Task Based on Opportunity Stage Change:
This is a really powerful template to keep your reps or CSMs on top of accounts as they move through the sales funnel. As Opportunities progress to new stages there are naturally going to be tasks and steps associated with the new stage. With this Workflow Template you can have a task automatically created in Salesforce immediately following the stage change.
Use Case Example: An Opportunity moves to Negotiation. The automation will create a task for the AE to send out the contract + pricing document to the buying committee.
When thinking about driving value and best practices in Salesforce, automations (when built correctly) are foundational for scale. This Swantide Workflow Template ensures important deals don’t slip through the cracks.
Being able to deploy these types of automations via Swantide instantly to your Salesforce will reduce risk of funnel leakage and shore up your data model to ensure nothing breaks as you continue to add more configuration.
Send an Email Notification to Opportunity Owners X Days Before it’s Close Date:
This Workflow Template creates a seamless way to notify the Opportunity Owner based on a certain number of days before the designated Close Date. This valuable feature ensures that the owner receives timely reminders to take necessary actions or consider extending the Close Date, if required.
We’ll illustrate how it works with an example: In the attached screenshot, you'll notice a variable prompt labeled "How many days prior to the Opportunity Close date should an email be sent to the owner?" Here, you can easily enter the number "20" to set up an email reminder that goes out 20 days before the Opportunity Close Date.
For instance, if an Opportunity has a Close Date set to January 30th, the Swantide Workflow will send an email notification on January 10th at 9:00 AM to the Opportunity Owner, promptly alerting them that the current Opportunity Close Date is rapidly approaching.

By integrating the Swantide Workflow into your existing processes, you can significantly enhance communication and ensure that your reps are well-informed and on track throughout the Opportunity lifecycle.
These Workflow Templates are customizable and can be quickly deployed into your instance to support your Sales and CS teams while they’re working deals and Opportunities via Swantide.
If you need help driving speed and best practices in your Salesforce configuration, we’d love to chat with you and see how we can help.